Wednesday 8 December 2010

Mr. Bean goes to the dentist...

   It was a normal and beautiful day. Mr. Bean and his bear are sleep at his home, they were sleep in the same bed. At 8:00 a.m. Mr. Bean’s alarm clock rings and he gets out of bed. That day Mr. Bean had appointment in the dentist but he is forget that.
   After Mr. Bean gets up he go to shaves by his machine. Then, he go to take some clothes from the wardrobe. When he wanted to open his wardrobe he be careful and read his note about the dentist. Afterward, he take his clothes and toothbrush and toothpaste and he gets into his car. Because Mr. Bean was late he dresses while driving and wash his own teeth. When he was wash his own teeth he pours water on the man. After that Mr. Bean arrives at the dentist and then he come to the doctor. Mr. Bean set on the dentist chair and his hand come on some button and the chair is move, therefore Mr. Bean played by it. After that he found syringe on the table and he stabs the dentist with the syringe. Due to stab the dentist falls down. Therefore Mr. Bean fixes his own teeth.
   After few minutes the dentist wakes up but in this time Mr. Bean was finish every thing and he leaves the dentist.           

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