Tuesday 26 October 2010

E-portfolios vs. paper

        Several years ago, there is one kind for save the information. Every student are used a portfolio to keep his essays. With the development of technology and spread the computers at many colleges. Some teachers think about a new way because many student were forget to bring it when they have class and it’s lost from some of them. This new way to keep it’s about E-portfolio. I’m going to compare and contrast between E-portfolios and paper.

       There are distinct similarities between E-portfolios and paper. One similarity is that both of them we are use in the second year at college. We are use E-portfolio in ENG N125 and paper in LSEC N100. Another similarity is that the E-portfolio can save and arrange your task, also the paper can do the same job. Yet similarity is that both of them will be useful for you and other students in study.
       Although there are some of similarities, there are a number of differences. The first difference is that the E-portfolios are depend on the technology while the papers not need electricity and internet, so the E-portfolios are development whereas the papers aren’t. Another difference is that the papers aren’t need computer whilst you can’t check your E-portfolio if you haven’t computer. Both of them can keep your essays but the papers keep limited number of essays while the E-portfolios can save what you want of essays. Finally, the portfolios are safe more than the papers. Such as, maybe the papers will get wet or cut.

        Overall, the differences outweigh similarities. However, this is a very interesting subject and I think that the portfolios are benefit more than the papers because it’s safe, development and easy to use than the papers.      

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