Tuesday 4 January 2011

Oilfield to Station....

All of us have cars and to make them move we should fill it with petrol. However, some people do not know where this petrol comes from and the process of oil to petrol.

First of all, the oil is located under the ground in the desert and under the sea. So to get the oil from under the ground it is pumped thought the pipeline. After that, the oil is stored in a huge storage tanks at a refinery. Then, the oil is refined into different products like petrol, heavy gas oil, light gas oil, gasoline, diesel and kerosene. Additionally, the petrol is stored in huge tanks. Next, it is transported to petrol stations in huge trucks. Moreover, it is stored in big underground tanks. Finally, the petrol is pumped into car tanks when we buy it.

In conclusion, this is a very interesting subject. So I hope from everyone to get benefit about how petrol is refined from oil and gets into our cars.

Orange juice...

Orange juice is healthy. It provides vitamins for us. Also it protects us from diseases. The fruit makes on involved journey to become juice.

First of all, fruit is unloaded by a truck. Secondly, fruit is graded to see if it’s good or bad. Then, good fruit is washed by washer.  Next, fruits are passed through the sizer. After that, juices are extracted by machine. Then, the waste sent to be animal feed. Additionally, the juice is sent to evaporator. Then, it is gets concentrated. After that, all the juice is storage the refrigerated. Next, juices are canned by machine. Moreover, all juices are shipped to other countries. Finally, juice is added to concentrate by water and then fill out to concentrate.

In conclusion, now we recognize fruit comes healthy juice. So it is a good choice for a healthy life style. Also, you can open small market to sell it.



There are many kinds of website it is important for people in their life. Some website like Blogger it is outstanding to teach you because you can read many essays your teacher or your friends write it, and you can get some information about something. In this essay I will give you the way if you like to create Blog.

       First of all, the www.blogger.com is gone. Then, the page of bottom is clicked. Next, the orange is arrowed “Create Your Blog Now”. After that, the orange is clicked and arrowed. Moreover, the screen on the next page is appeared. Next, some personal information is entered for yourself. Then, a title is entered for your blog and address (URL). Next, the phone is entered a number and they will send to you the activation. Finally, pick the template is picked, and made your first post.

      In the conclusion, I hope you will be getting benefits from this website. Also I hope from to published it to your friends and anybody you want.


The podcast....

            In the past all of the electrical inventions were big like the telephone and the radio. When a parson was moves from places to other places, he was suffering from carry his luggage. So the scientists thought to find easy way to take and use it in the comfort. After research and inventions they invent the small and useful tool, it’s a podcast.

               First of all, an Internet, a MP3 Player and an USB cable are prepared. Second, a podcast is found. Then, the podcast search engine is gone and one of it is downloaded. The most popular is ITunes. Next, the podcast program is chosen. A podcast is the internet equivalent of a magazine subscription. Then, a podcast aggregator program is downloaded to your computer. After that, the subscription internet address of the podcast is copied into your podcast aggregator. Finally, a podcast is listened either through your computer and then the podcast is copied by a USB connection to your portable mp3 player.

               In the conclusion, you can use it anywhere so it’s useful if you are bored. Also you can buy one of it from Carrefour. I hope you are get enough information about it.


The coffee (passive voice)

All people of The World known the coffee and they drink it every day. If the guest come to any house the household provide to him a coffee in the first after that they provide other things, this is the habits in The Arab World from the past to present. From this essay I want to give to the reader the most important information about the coffee. How you can make it. 
First of all, the coffee beans are picked from trees usually by hand. Second, the outer skin is removed from the beans. Then the beans are washed. Fresh water is used. After that, the beans are dried. Next, the beans are roasted in a very hot oven. Moreover, the coffee is soaked in warm water and the chaff is removed. Additionally, the mixture is drained. Next, the mixture is freeze and then it’s crushed. Finally, it’s dried in a vacuum and stored in an airtight container.

In the conclusion, I say to people who don’t drink the coffee: There are some benefits include it. In the same time I say to people who are drink more than 3 cup per day it is will be hurtful for their health.